By joining the Research Center of PRC, Inc., for $50.00 per year, you will acquire the following membership benefits:
- Data and excavation reports throughout the globe. The projected partial site list that will be included in the Research Center, with the excavation period and geographical location, should include:
- Afao, Prehistoric Polynesian and World War II Historic Site, western Tutuila, American Samoa. [DB]
- Abu Hof, Byzantine Period, in southern Israel.
- Arzap, Neolithic to Late Iron Age, in eastern Turkey.
- Ararat Sites 1-3, Late Epipaleolithic to Late Bronze/Early Iron Age, in eastern Turkey.
- Fangamalo, Prehistoric Polynesian, western Tutuila, American Samoa.
- Leone, Late Prehistoric to Early Contact Period, western Tutuila, American Samoa.
- Mampsis, Early Roman through Early Arab Periods, in central Israel.
- Masefau, World War II Historic Site, eastern Tutuila, American Samoa. [DB]
- Nessana, Early Roman through Early Arab Periods, in southern Israel.
- Nitzanim, Early Bronze Age (IA to IIIB), in southwestern Israel.
- Peace River, Late Pleistocene, in central Florida, United States.
- Poloa, World War II Historic Site, western Tutuila, American Samoa. [DB]
- Tel Beit Shemesh, Faunal Data from Early to Late Iron Age, in Israel.
- Tel Haror, Middle Bronze Age to Early Iron Age, in southern Israel. [DB]
Site data in the PRC Research Database will be noted by bold [DB].
- Diagnostic manuscripts exhibiting ceramic typologies from North America, Europe, the Levant, Anatolia, and Polynesia.
- Diagnostic manuscripts exhibiting zoological comparisons for major domesticated fauna with osteometric measurements.
- Diagnostic manuscripts exhibiting typologies from North America, Europe, the Levant, Anatolia, and Polynesia. These manuscripts will feature comparative collections from the Late Epipaleolithic to Prehistoric Polynesian Periods.
- Needed forms: Site Forms, Burial Plan Forms, Munsell Soil Charts, and Profile Forms.
If you are graduate student or professor in anthropology/archaeology or a professional archaeologists (from Cultural Resource Management or Historic Preservation Office), please do not hesitate to contact us for access to the database.