We are the Paleontological Research Corporation, Inc.

By joining the Research Center of PRC, Inc., for $50.00 per year, you will acquire the following membership benefits:

  1. Data and excavation reports throughout the globe. The projected partial site list that will be included in the Research Center, with the excavation period and geographical location, should include:
    • Afao, Prehistoric Polynesian and World War II Historic Site, western Tutuila, American Samoa. [DB]
    • Abu Hof, Byzantine Period, in southern Israel.
    • Arzap, Neolithic to Late Iron Age, in eastern Turkey.
    • Ararat Sites 1-3, Late Epipaleolithic to Late Bronze/Early Iron Age, in eastern Turkey.
    • Fangamalo, Prehistoric Polynesian, western Tutuila, American Samoa.
    • Leone, Late Prehistoric to Early Contact Period, western Tutuila, American Samoa.
    • Mampsis, Early Roman through Early Arab Periods, in central Israel.
    • Masefau, World War II Historic Site, eastern Tutuila, American Samoa. [DB]
    • Nessana, Early Roman through Early Arab Periods, in southern Israel.
    • Nitzanim, Early Bronze Age (IA to IIIB), in southwestern Israel.
    • Peace River, Late Pleistocene, in central Florida, United States.
    • Poloa, World War II Historic Site, western Tutuila, American Samoa. [DB]
    • Tel Beit Shemesh, Faunal Data from Early to Late Iron Age, in Israel.
    • Tel Haror, Middle Bronze Age to Early Iron Age, in southern Israel. [DB]

Site data in the PRC Research Database will be noted by bold [DB].

  1. Diagnostic manuscripts exhibiting ceramic typologies from North America, Europe, the Levant, Anatolia, and Polynesia.
  2. Diagnostic manuscripts exhibiting zoological comparisons for major domesticated fauna with osteometric measurements.
  3. Diagnostic manuscripts exhibiting typologies from North America, Europe, the Levant, Anatolia, and Polynesia. These manuscripts will feature comparative collections from the Late Epipaleolithic to Prehistoric Polynesian Periods.
  4. Needed forms: Site Forms, Burial Plan Forms, Munsell Soil Charts, and Profile Forms.

If you are graduate student or professor in anthropology/archaeology or a professional archaeologists (from Cultural Resource Management or Historic Preservation Office), please do not hesitate to contact us for access to the database.