We offer a variety of services. The following are just a short list of services we can help you with:
- Phase I, II & III archaeological projects
- Section 106 Compliance
- Adverse Affects: Identification & Resolution
- Area of Potential Effect (APE) Evaluation / Monitoring
- Technological Proficiency: GPS, ARC GIS 10, & laser range finders.
- Inventory Documents
- Data Recovery Reports
- Environmental Impact Statements
- Preservation Measures
- CRM Surveys & Reports
- Research Design Documents
- Lithic, Microwear & XRF Analysis
- Faunal & Botanical Analysis
- AMS & C14 Dating
- Ceramics Style & Temper Analysis
- Letters of Understanding
- Burial Treatment Plans
- Preservation of Excavation Materials
- Padded Plaster Wraps
- Glass Transition Temperatures
- Transport of Artifacts & Assemblages\
- Use of Adhesives and Consolidants: Paraloid B-72 (Acryloid), Epoxies (Devcon, Epo-Tek), Cyanoacrylates (Aron Alpha, Paleo-bond), B-76 or B-98 (PVB), McGean B-15 (PVAC, Vinac B-15), & Emulsions (Lascaux)
- Cumulative Products Tables for Historic Preservation Fund Grant